Membership Information

To become a member of The House of Iran, a person should be of Iranian birth or descent, or the spouse of such a person. In addition, a person who has a serious interest in Persian (Iranian) culture and heritage may also become a member.

Joining is easy!

Just select your membership preference and click the submit button to pay with Paypal.

 Family Membership $50
Single Membership $35

Conditions of Membership

  1. Members shall be loyal to the Government and the Constitution of the United States of America, believing in and subscribing to this Constitution as set forth in its Articles.
  2. Each member shall be loyal and show active interest in support of House of Iran.
  3. Each member shall subscribe to House of Iran's goals and objectives and agree to observe and abide by the By-Laws of the House of Iran.
  4. Honorary Life Member is a member who, after ten years of exceptional service to this organization, is singularly honored. As an Honorary Life Member, he/she has all the rights and privileges of a regular member without the requirement of paying dues.
  5. Each former member shall renew their membership and pay dues by no later than the date of nomination in order to qualify for nomination or to vote in the elections.
  6. The new members shall be enrolled by end of August to be eligible for nomination or to vote in elections. Membership after the month of August will not be eligible for nomination or vote in elections in that year.

Termination of Membership

  1. A person's membership may be terminated for failure to respect the goals and objectives and rules stated in these By-laws, and/or by being disruptive and in conflict with the goals of House of Iran, by a 2/3 majority vote by the Board of Directors. This action will be determined by the Board of Directors at a closed meeting.
  2. A person terminated may appeal the terminating decision to the membership. The membership may revoke or sustain the Board's decision.
  3. The terminated member may not be eligible for reinstatement for at least two years after the termination. After two years, the terminated member can reapply for membership. After the agreement of the Board, he/she may be reinstated.